Gods and Goddesses of Icengale
The Mainen
It is written that in the beginning there was the great serpent, the eater of worlds. Then came The One, who slew the serpent and created the heavens above, the world below, and everything that live and dwelleth in between. Life was good, for The Chosen who were the first born and were in form like The One. Life was a burden for all others who walked and understood the world around them. They were beneath The Chosen in every way, except one. They were restless. The Chosen had the world at their command, and they were content. The Others, though, were not content. They forever sought more. And from their hunger came The Second Ones, the Alarin, those who were like The One but in lesser form and power. And among the Alarin there were twelve who led. They were known as The Mainen.
When the Alarin rose up against The One and each other the Mainen withheld their hand. They alone saw that with hope there was great danger. They alone saw that the world would be torn asunder in the struggle to overthrow The One and their brethren who remained loyal. They also saw within themselves the power to protect the world, and though the world was changed, it remained. The Mainen now stand apart from the Alarin, many of whom considered the Mainen traitors. And though the Alarin grew in strength and power, they spent much of that strength and power in their struggle and though now greater than The One the Mainen were greater still. The Mainen divided the world just as the Alarin themselves were divided. The Mainen rule over the entire world where the Alarin rule half a world.
The Mainen were twelve in number, a number considered sacred and powerful, yet even in their strength and wisdom there was rot and decay, for one among their number was a threat to the entire world and to the Gods themselves. Once she had a name, but few dare to utter her name for though she has been cast out her name still has great power. She Who Shall Not Be Named, the Accursed, the Touched, was the Goddess of Insanity. In the turmoil of the War of the Alarin she found the people shattered and torn, much like the world itself. She touched many people in those years, and with each touch she grew that much stronger. At first the Mainen were unaware of her growing strength for their will was focused elsewhere, and she hid it well. The Alarin saw her power and knew fear for the first time. The Alarin set aside their differences and stood before the Mainen and besought their protection. And the Mainen were concerned. Then The One stepped forth and stood beside the Alarin. And the Mainen knew fear.
It is written that twice all who look down from the heavens shall be united in purpose and be of one thought. The first time shall be to save the world. The second time shall be to end the world when time has run its course and has come to an end. She Who Shall Not Be Named is no longer among the Mainen, no longer among the Alarin, and no longer walks in Morycia. She has been cast out for all who look down from the heavens saw the threat that she would become and united in purpose and were of one thought when they cast her out. Where the Accursed one wanders none know, not even the Mainen.
The Mainen are eleven in number. Valkain is their Lord and Leandra their Queen. Though all are equal these two were ever at the forefront in the protection of the World. The remainder are lesser in name only and only by choice. The Mainen are thus reckoned:
• Valkain, God of Ice and Lord of the Pantheon
• Leandra, Goddess of the Wind and Divine Queen
• Anthonias, God of Magic
• Brower, God of Crafts
• Kailay, Goddess of Fire
• Loem, the Earth God
• Mirstar, the Night Goddess
• Quillr, God of Hunting
• Symea, Goddess of Disease
• Tirdin, God of Water
• Varlina, Goddess of Animals
The Eleven rule. The Sixteen and The Sixteen follow. The One who was once first is now last. And one has been lost. And so shall it remain until time has run its course and all is ended. Thus it is written.
The Mainen are worshipped on both sides of the world, and though all know them by their true name, the Mainen appear different to each half of the world. This appearance is primarily one of dress and racial features. In the North they Mainen appear wearing oriental attire and have oriental features. In the South they dress and appear as "Westerners" would appear. Beyond that there is really no difference, though sometimes one half of the world may hold a unique nickname for a particular Deity.
Clerics of the Mainen are required to carry with them prayer books wherever they may go. These books are very similar in size, shape, purpose, and cost as spell books carried by mages. These prayer books are not required for a priest to prayer for their daily spells, but they do shorten the required time by 10%. The reason they are required, however, is because each book has in its very beginning 4 blank pages. In times of great need or emergency the Mainen will sometimes temporarily fill these blank pages with one or more prayers listing specific spells or giving specific directions. It is a certainty that this information will be needed upon that particular day and to ignore this divine guidance is blasphemy of the highest order. Most priests will go their entire life without ever seeing, but none dare ever fill those pages with any writing lest they fail to see a message from their Deity.
Unless otherwise specified there are no restrictions on sex or race for Priests and Priestesses of Icengale. If a priest or specialty priest has access to any spell that they would not normally be able to cast as one of their powers then that spell must be prayed for and takes up one of the priest's allotted spells, unless specified as a bonus. In that case the spell still must be prayed for but is treated as a bonus spell above and beyond their regular number of allotted spells.
Ice Lord, Frozen Lord, The Northern Lord (North Alarin only)
Greater Power
God of Ice, Lord of the Pantheon
Aspects: Cold, Snow, Ice, Glaciers, Icebergs
True Neutral
Natural form: Human male
Symbol: An inverted white triangle with a blue circle in the middle
NOTES: Valkain is portrayed as a gray-haired, bearded elderly male clad in a great fur cloak. Despite his age he is fit and hale and carries a warhammer made out of ice. Vailken is a fair and patient God who sits on his throne of ice in his frozen castle high in the Icecap Mountains in Northern Morycia. He is the God of Ice and as such has complete control over all things frozen. Known for his great wisdom, he is also a renowned warrior known for his prowess with all weapons, though he favors a warhammer with an extremely sharp pick on the backside of the head. When he travels he rides in a chariot equipped with skis and pulled by a dozen reindeer of great size. Wherever the chariot goes it is surrounded by a field of snow that moves with him. He is immune to all forms of cold.
A True Neutral God, Valkain prefers not to interfere in the affairs of mortals. However, he is a kindly Deity who sometimes takes pity upon his worshippers who are in distress. If any of his faithful are in dire need of assistance and call out to their God there is a 5% chance that Valkain will aid his follower. This aid takes the form of some sort of cold-related assistance. It could be a sudden blizzard to hide his worshipper from his enemies, or a +5 hammer and +5 shield made of ice to one engaged in combat (the hammer and shield will melt after the battle is over), or maybe the lowering of the temperature to -80 degrees to hinder opponents who are not used to the cold. Whatever the form, it will be temporary, cold, and will not guarantee success. The worshipper still has to save himself.
Valkain is generally worshipped by those who live in close proximity to the Vainen Glacier or in other artic areas. He is also worshipped by sailors who regularly travel through artic seas. Sailors of all faiths will often sacrifice of a small portion of their cargo to Valkain in exchange for protection from icebergs.
Duties of the Priesthood
Priests of Valkain are the reliquaries of
knowledge and are often responsible for preparing their flock
for the upcoming winter. They are expected to lead hunting
parties on winter hunts and are expected to be in the front
ranks while defending their village against enemies. Wandering
Priests tend towards True Neutral and are often sought out as
impartial arbiters in disputes.
Requirements: AB standard, but Con of at least 12; AL any neutral; WP warhammer and sling; AR any; SP Major all, combat, elemental (cold and water only), healing, protection, sun, weather; SP Minor charm, guardian, plant, summoning, travel; PW 1) frozen hands, a spell that functions exactly like the 1st level mage spell burning hands but instead of fire a wave of extreme cold emanates from the priests hands; 5) Can freeze up to 1 cup of water per level, this takes 1 round per cup of water; 10) immune to the effects of natural cold; TU turn.
Specialty Priests
• Strength 14
• Wisdom 16
• Constitution 14
Granted Powers:
• At 1st level, in addition to being able to cast
frozen hands, specialty priests gain +2 to their saving throws against
all cold attacks and reduce the damage on each die by -1, to a minimum of 1
per die.
• At 3rd level the specialty priest's shillelagh
and spiritual hammer spells are cold based.
The shillelagh is coated in ice and the
spiritual hammer emanates waves of cold.
Both weapons cause double damage against creatures that are susceptible to cold
based attacks.
• At 7th level the specialty priest is immune to the effects of natural
• At 10th level the specialty priest automatically takes half damage
from cold-based attacks (save for ¼ damage ). Additionally, the
specialty priest can, once per day, transform any weapon into one of
magical ice. This weapon is the equivalent to a +4 weapon (cumulative
with other magical bonuses up to a maximum of +4 total), causes an
additional 2d6 points of cold damage (save for half), and causes double
damage against creatures susceptible to cold (does 4d6 points of cold
based damage). This transformation lasts for 1 turn plus 1 round per 5
levels of the priest.
• At 11th level the priest of Valkain gains a bonus 6th level
spell, Weather Summoning. This spell can only be used to summon
snow-based weather.
• At 15th level the specialty priest can call forth a sphere
of extreme cold. This sphere is 50' in diameter and is a
temperature of -80 degrees. This lasts for one round per level
of the priest. If the priest takes no other actions and concentrates
he can further lower the temperature by 10 degrees per round to a
maximum of -250 degrees. The priest is immune to this decrease in
temperature. All others must save vs. death each round or they will
try to leave the area of extreme cold. Below -100 degrees all
creatures that fail their save take 1d6 points of damage per 10
degrees of cold (to a maximum of 10d6). Those that make the save
take half damage.
Other Notes: Specialty priests of Valkain must be true neutral. They are also at their best in cold regions, so much so that they are extremely uncomfortable in non-artic regions and any time the temperature is above 70 degrees. At that temperature and above they will sweat profusely and are often irritable and short tempered. Whenever the temperature is above 80 degrees the specialty priest suffers -1 to all actions (-1 to hit, -1 to damage, -1 to saving throws, -1 to each healing die, etc.), and whenever the temperature is above 90 this is increased to -2. This does not apply to items like potions of healing or damage from wands or staves. Additionally, specialty priests cannot refuse any request for aid from anyone who is in distress in a cold region, so long as it is within their power and the danger is not extremely great. For example, a specialty priest could not refuse to lead a hunting party for a village who had lost their priest or refuse to aid in the defense of a village against raiders. However, the priest would not be obligated to aid a group of adventurers that was being attacked by Dire Wyrm. They could still choose to aid them, but they would not be obligated to do so. Specialty priests of Valkain are required to carry extra cold-weather clothing when traveling and will give this clothing away to those in need of it.
Lady of the Skies, Divine Wind, Her Divine Majesty
Greater Power
Goddess of the Wind, Divine Queen
Aspects: Wind, skies, air
Chaotic Neutral
Natural form: Human female
Symbol: Three parallel white lines, stepped from top to bottom, right to left
NOTES: Leandra is a thin, pale-skinned woman with flowing hair the color of the setting sun and always dressed in flowing, sky-blue robes. No matter where she goes her hair and clothes stir as if blown by a gentle breeze. Leandra aspires to be a fair and patient as her husband, but her chaotic nature makes her often capricious and prone to fits of rage. Those fits, unfortunately, take the form of storms that ravage across the lands of Icengale. As the Goddess of Wind she seldom stays in one place, preferring instead to travel around in her cloud chariot. Unlike the other Mainen she does not control any one area of Morycia but instead has many territories that are under her protection. These regions are always isolated, wind-swept regions. She never appears to carry weapons, but in the blink of an eye she can summon forth any weapon that she desires, though she prefers either a spear or a long bow. At her whim she can summon forth any type of wind, be it a gentle breeze or hurricane force gales. She can also calm any wind down to that of a gentle breeze.
Chaotic like the winds of her domain, Leandra sometimes aids her followers and sometimes ignores them completely. On any given day there is a 50% chance that she will be open to beseechment from any given worshipper. If she is in the correct mood there is a 1% chance that she will bestow aid upon one of her followers who is in dire need of assistance. This chance increases to 2% if storm-strength winds are present or 3% if those winds are gale-force or higher. The aid will come in the form of a temporary weapon enchantment, usually +5, but depending on the situation she may give her follower the ability to ride the wind as per the Wind Walk spell.
Of all the Mainen Leandra has the fewest number of worshippers, most of whom are those who reside in wind-swept regions (such as high planes and mountainous regions) or those who rely on the wind (such as sailors). Most of this worship involves beseeching Leandra for favorable winds, and this worship takes the form of sacrificing small items that are carried upon the wind.
Leandra has no standing churches or temples, but her holy places are numerous and take the form of carved rune-stones that are set wherever the wind may blow. Many of these rune stones are faded and can no longer be read by travellers, but a Priestess of Leandra can pray at any of these stones and the runes will glow faintly for so long as the Priestess needs to be able to read them. This glow does not provide any ambient light and can only be seen from a couple of feet away.
Duties of the Priesthood
Priestesses of Leandra are solitary, wandering
individuals. They literally follow the winds wherever they blow,
trusting that Leandra will guide them to where they are needed.
They are expected to know the regions that they travel and offer
guidance to travellers. Very few sailors will refuse to offer free
passage to a Priestess who asks for transportation upon their ship.
Requirements: AB standard; AL any chaotic; WP any missile weapon, though spear and bow preferred; AR any non-metal; SP Major all, chaos, elemental (air only), healing, travelers, weather (wind only); SP Minor charm, combat, divination, protection; PW 1) +1 to hit with one missile weapon; 5) if the Priestess can feel the wind upon her face she will unerringly know which direction the wind is blowing; 10) Double the range of missile weapons, if fired in the direction that the wind is blowing; TU yes, but can only Turn and may only do so if there is a wind or the air is moving, and then the undead will travel in the direction of the wind.
Specialty Priests
• Wisdom 16
• Dexterity 16
Granted Powers:
• Bonus non-weapon proficiency of weather sense, but only in
regards to the upcoming wind conditions.
• In the absence of wind or moving air specialty priestesses
suffer a -2 penalty to hit and a -1 penalty to saving throws and
ability checks.
• 5th level can cast the gust of wind
spell as per the Mage spell of the same name.
• 7th level, +2 to hit with missile weapons any target that
is downwind (this is in addition to the standard +1 to hit with missile
• 7th level the specialty priestess of Leandra has access
to all wizard spells that deal with the wind, at two levels higher
than their actual level. For example, the 2nd level wizard spell
whispering wind can be memorized as a
4th level spell. Gust of wind is an
exception to this. It can be cast as a 3rd level spell.
• 10th level the specialty priest of Leandra ignores all
wind-derived combat penalties.
• 15th level can cast wind walk once per day as a bonus spell.
Other Notes: Specialty priestesses of Leandra can only be of a race that dwells upon the surface of the world and they must have exceptionally long hair. Additionally they all wear tight-fitting clothing beneath long, flowing robes. Though Leandra is one of the Mainen least likely to interfere in the world of mortals, she is the one who is most likely to command her specialty priestesses, and this is always in the form of having them erect new rune-stones in her honor. These can be in new locations or at existing holy sites. A specialty priestess of Leandra can usually expect to be called upon at least once a year to erect a rune stone. Specialty priestesses can never settle down for any length of time but must always be wandering with the winds. If a specialty priestess stays in one place longer than a month they will lose all of their specialty powers until they spend a month on the road. Additionally, if their hair is ever shorter than the middle of their back they will lost those powers until the hair grows back to the required length. If any traveller asks a specialty priestess of Leandra for directions they are required to provide directions, and if the destination is in the direction that the wind is blowing then the specialty priestess will accompany with the wind so long as the winds are blowing in the right direction.
ANTHONIAS ( an-tho-NĪ-us)
Natural form:
Symbol: An open, blue book, with two runes upon the pages
NOTES: Anthonias is a tall figure with thin black hair and a physique believed to be anywhere from rail thin to heavy. The Arcane Lord's bright blue robes seem to have a mind of their own and change their shape frequently. They also sometimes hang limply on his frame or billow as if being blown in a strong wind. The eyes of The Mystic are of indeterminate color as he forever has his face buried in a great blue spell book. The shape of the book changes from time to time but it is always a relatively large book with sky blue covers that completely hides Anthonias's face. Whether he is sitting down, standing, walking, flying or even eating or bathing, his face is always behind his spell book. Whenever he talks to anybody one of his hands becomes very animated, punctuating the air with various gestures. One rare occasion, such as when he is very angry or presented with something new and interesting, Anthonias will lower his book and look directly at the person he is talking to. Those who have seen his face never speak of what they saw. Despite having his face forever buried in a book, Anthonias is aware of everything that goes on around him. The book in no way hinders any of his senses. No one knows what is contained within his book, yet some suspect that it allows him to see anything that he so desires, especially the workings of magic.
Normally unconcerned with his surroundings Anthonias is not to be trifled with. His repertoire of spells is without equal and it is said that everything magical is under the control of the Arcane Lord. While he normally does not interfere he is fully capable of halting any spell that is cast, of erasing spells from a mage's mind, or even of stopping a magic item from working.
The Mystic is aware of all magic that happens within the world. A spell cannot be cast without his knowing of it. Despite this awareness Anthonias has never been known to answer a call for direct intervention by one of his priests. No priest of Anthonias will ever call out to his Lord for assistance. To do so is considered to be one of the greatest sins imaginable. It is said that a priest who cries out for help will find himself bereft of spells. Anthonias will, on rare occasion, offer unrequested help to a follower who shows great promise and is in great danger. This help will always take the form of a spell enhancement. The most common types are maximum damage, extended duration, or a penalty to a spell's saving throw. In very rare situations the Arcane Lord will assist in the creation of a magic item. This item must be something new, unique, or an item of noble purpose. When crafted the chance of success is 100%, and on even rarer occasions will include an enhancement, such as an additional bonus to hit, extra charges, additional powers, or possibly imbuing the item with intelligence.
Anthonias is also a bit fickle and quite proud. He will tolerate almost anything that is said of him, except for insults. Users of magic or magic items who insult Anthonias will often find themselves without magic or with an item drained of power.
The realm of Anthonias is a great, sprawling collection of buildings hundreds of square miles in area. It is a collection of buildings of all types, but especially those types favored by wizards. Within this complex are thousands of libraries and untold number of laboratories. Wizards are constantly studying, doing research, or just idling around surrounded by numerous spells designed to make life easy and enjoyable. Many buildings are floating freely in the air above the complex, or part of the many subterranean levels hidden beneath. Surrounding the complex of buildings is a great, magical wilderness inhabited by all manner of magical creature as well as those worshippers who prefer the wilds to buildings. Witches are very common in this wilderness area.
Very few people travel by mundane means, but instead rely on various types of magic for locomotion. Those who travel by normal means are guaranteed to draw the attention of those around them. Anthonias is often to be found wandering through his realm, talking with wizards and inspecting various research activities. Each night he holds court where anyone can come to speak to him and afterwards presides over a great feast of thousands of his followers. Every new soul to his realm will be invited to at least one of these feasts. Favored followers can expect to attend feasts on a regular basis.
Duties of the Priesthood
The duties of the priesthood of Anthonias are
to promote the use of magic, either on their own or through
cooperation with mages, and to provide guidance and knowledge.
Priests of Anthonias are prone to view magic from a neutral
standpoint. They are fascinated by magic and encourage the
practice of magic everywhere in the world. However, this does
not mean that they will not interfere with magic or those who
use magic. For example, a lawful good priest will have no
problem stopping an evil wizard from experimenting on innocent
people or an adventuring priest of the Arcane Lord will see it
as being perfectly acceptable to assault the tower of a powerful
wizard, kill him, and take his magic items. At the same time,
though, they would probably not interfere with an experiment to
cross breed two non-compatible species of animals and would give
away some of the lesser magic items that they found while exploring
a dungeon. Multi- and dual-class mage-priests are relatively
common among the worshippers of Anthonias.
Requirements: AB Standard, but minimum Intelligence of 14; AL Any; WP Dagger, knife, hand crossbow, sling, staff; AR None, no shield; SP Major All, astral, charm, creation, divination, elemental, healing, protection, summoning; SP Minor Animal, creation, guardian, necromancy, plant, wards, weather, sun; PW Can use wands that can normally only be used by mages; Can cast mage spells from a single school of magic. Only one spell per level can be learned, and this spell can never change. For example, a character might choose the evocation school and magic missile for his first level spell. He can never cast any other first level spell except for magic missile. This spell must be prayed for and is a bonus spell. At third level the priest would gain another single bonus spell, but only an evocation spell; At fifth level the priest gains a second bonus 1st level spell, a second bonus 2nd level spell at fifth level, a second bonus 3rd level spell at ninth level, etc.; Dual-classed mage-priests do not gain any these bonus spells; Multi-classed mage-priests use d4 for hit dice, they do not take one-half of each appropriate hit die from each class; TU No, unless the chosen mage school is necromancy.
Specialty Priests
• Wisdom 14
• Intelligence 16
Granted Powers:
• Access to all mage spells from a single school of magic.
These spells must be prayed for and each mage spell takes one of the
priest's spell slots. The spell level progression is normal (i.e.
a specialty priest must be 3rd level in order to cast a 2nd level
mage spell).
• May use any magic items normally only used by mages.
• Bonus non-weapon proficiency of spellcraft.
• May cast detect magic
once per day. This is a bonus
spell and must be prayed for.
• 1st level may cast a single cantrip 3 times per day.
This cantrip must be chosen at character creation and can never change.
• 1st level +2 saving throw against all spells.
• 3rd level +2 saving throw against magic items such as
rods, staves, and wands.
• 5th level may cast the chosen cantrip at will.
• 5th level +2 saving thrown against magic effects.
• 5th level may cast spells normally in a wild magic area.
• 7th level may cast spells normally in a dead magic area.
Other Notes: Specialty priests use a d4 for their hit dice. Specialty priests are allowed to be dual classed, provided that their first class was mage. If they then become a specialty priest of Anthonias they retain their 4d hit die. Multi-classed mage-priests cannot be specialty priests.
On rare occasions a specialty priest may be a wild priest. This is the same as being a wild mage with the same chance of spells to surge. Wild priests are easily identified by their choice of non-blue clothing and are treated with the utmost of respect and caution (as well as a bit of fear) by all worshippers of Anthonias. It is said that wild priests have looked upon the eyes of their Lord and that the wild touch is the result of that look.
Specialty priests are allowed to wear armor and use a shield, but use of each requires a non-weapon proficiency slot, thus one proficiency slot is required to wear armor and another is required to use a shield. However, while wearing armor and/or using a shield the specialty priest is not allowed to cast spells. All clothing and armor of specialty priests must be sky blue in color. With rare exception they may not hide the color of their clothes and/or armor. One such exception would be while polymorphed as someone else, but even they the priest would try to have some visible piece of blue clothing.
Among specialty priests there is a strict hierarchy. Every specialty priest wears a small yet visible sigil that identifies a mage spell from the highest spell level that they may cast. When a specialty priests encounters another who has a sigil of a higher level spell they must show respect and deference to their superior. They are not required to obey any orders from a superior ranking priest, but they are expected to listen to their advice and/or help them if they are able to do so.
BROWER ( Brou-er)
The Dark Smith, The Maker
Greater Power
God of Crafts
Aspects: Blacksmithing, Metalsmithing, Carpentry, Painting, Sculpting, Crafts
Lawful Neutral
Natural form: Dark dwarf male
Symbol: Crossed hammer and chisel
NOTES: Brower is an exceptionally short, barrel-chested and barrel-waisted dwarf with an immense, grey-tinged beard that he wears wrapped several times around his waist. He wears a belt festooned with dozens of tools of various crafts. A giant, unworked diamond acts as a belt-buckle. Brower is also a rather unkempt God, his simple work clothes, hair, and face covered with soot, paint, sawdust, and clay. The Dark Smith is an extremely jovial Deity, always laughing, making jokes, and telling ribald stories. When he is working he is always singing, off key and badly, but he does not care. He simply loves to sing. His good-natured attitude should not be mistaken for a sign of weakness or timidity. When needed Brower is a formidable opponent, wielding a massive blacksmith's hammer and throwing red-hot chisels as daggers.
While Brower is primarily associated with metal-working he is the God of all crafts. If an item can be made, Brower takes notice of it. If a piece is of particularly excellent workmanship the Maker will bestow a blessing upon it, marking the item with his symbol. This symbol will usually be small, permanent, and will never mar the appearance of the item. On buildings and such the symbol will often be larger and appear over a door or window. This blessing adds 25% to the value of the item and grants it +4 to any possible saving throws. Rivalry is very strong among the worshippers of Brower, though this rivalry is almost always a friendly one that inspires the individual to greatness. Any worshipper who takes the rivalry down a negative path is likely to incur the wrath of his God, this wrath often taking the form of causing the artist to fail at his craft. On rare occasions Brower will bless the tools of a particularly skilled craftsman. These tools are blessed and grant +2 to any appropriate non-weapon proficiency roll. These are the only forms of intervention that Brower will take. He will never aid his worshippers in combat.
Brower has no churches where his worshippers come to pray. Instead, he has craft halls. In larger cities these halls will normally be associated with a single craft, such as painting or basket weaving, but in smaller cities these halls will host many different types of crafts. Noisy crafts, such as metalworking and blacksmithing, are usually outside of the craft halls or are located elsewhere in the city as separate shrines. No matter what the type of craft, and regardless of where it is practiced, all of Brower's worshippers sing while working. This is how they pray to their God. As can be expected, craft halls of Brower are noisy places.
Though some scholars debate how it came to be so, Brower is also the God of brewing. He takes great delight in ale of all types and he pays particularly close attention to the crafting of ales. When he is fond of a particular brew he will prominently mark the kegs with his symbol. Brewing is the one craft that is never practiced alongside other crafts. Brewers who worship Brower set up separate craft halls devoted exclusively to brewing.
Duties of the Priesthood
The duty of the Priests of Brower is a
simple one, to make. It does not matter what it is, so long
as it is made. Priests are also required to teach their
craft to others. The Priests of Brower are the least likely
to take up adventuring as it gives little time to properly
worship their God. Those that do take it up are always on
the lookout for exceptional items that can be brought back
to a craft hall for display and which can be used for
Priests of Brower always specialize in one particular craft, but only the very inexperienced do not know at least one other craft. Throughout their lives the Priests are constantly learning new crafts.
Requirements: AB Standard, but Dex or Str 12 or higher (depending on the craft involved); AL Any; WP Club, flail, mace, staff, sling, warhamer; AR Any; SP Major All, creation, healing, protection, wards; SP Minor Charm, elemental, plant, sun; PW 1)Bonus non-weapon proficiencies of Appraising and one craft- based proficiency; 15) Enchant an Item, as per the Mage spell, the priest must help craft the item and must be able to craft it (i.e. a blacksmith could not enchant a statue); TU Yes, but priest can only destroy (e.g. at 6th level the priest can destroy skeletons or 1HD undead but could not Turn zombies).
Specialty Priests
• Wisdom 14
• Strength or Dexterity of 15
Granted Powers:
• 1) Divine Appraisal, specialty priest can pray for 1 turn while
appraising an item and receive a +4 bonus to their appraisal roll.
• 4) 20% reduction on the cost and time needed to craft
• 8) Know Value, the specialty priest can pray for 2 turns while
appraising an item and have a 98% chane of knowing the value of
the item.
• 12) Enchant an Item as per the
15th level power of a non-specialty priest.
Other Notes: Specialty priests of the Maker are required to take the singing non-weapon proficiency and are expected to lead their followers in song while worshipping. Though they prefer to remain close to their craft hall, many specialty priests travel to other cities and regions to acquire special materials, learn from master craftsmen, and to seek inspiration. While they travel they are still required to craft. Items that are crafted while traveling are left where they finished as offerings to Brower. Many of these items are found at campsites along trade routes or tucked away in corners of ships. To find such an item is considered a blessing.
Fireheart, Sun Goddess, Lady of Fire, Lava Queen
Greater Power
Goddess of Fire
Aspects: Fire, Sun, Volcanoes, Lava, Heat, Deserts, Steam
Chaotic Evil
Natural form: Orc female
Symbol: A yellow sphere surrounded by flames
NOTES: Kailay takes on the form of a tall orc (7'). She wears her coarse, black hair in dreadlocks, has red eyes, and grey-green skin that is closer to green than grey. She wears smoldering, black leather from head to toe. Her armor is always smoking, be it small tiny puffs of smoke or billowing massive clouds that obscure vision all around her. She is also exceedingly beautiful, even by the standards of other races. Everything that she comes in contact with bursts into flames, be it plants, objects, or even people. She can suppress this ability if she chooses to do so, and this she only really does when dealing with the other Gods and Goddesses. Kailay is exceedingly erratic and when she gets angry she will often immolate herself. One moment she will be calmly having a discussion and the next she will burst into flame and will start screaming wildly and tossing fireballs all over the place.
The Lady of Fire is associated with all aspects of fire and warmth, as well as the sun. She has a low number of priestesses and is primarily prayed to by those who are seeking warmth while traveling in cold regions. Prayers are often accompanied by small sacrifices that are burned while praying.
Those who choose to dedicate their lives to Kailay are seen with mixed feelings by the people they meet. In times of need they are greatly welcomed for their powers, but at the same time they are treated with extreme caution as the priestess might decide to start burning everything around her. Most of her dedicated priestesses either live in warm regions, near volcanoes, or wander around, spreading fires both for good and for the sheer sake of destruction. Elves are extremely mistrustful of priests of Kailay and will monitor them wherever they may, and will often drive them out of their realms. Very few elves will worship Kailay and those that do are almost always ostracized by their own people and treated with hostility by other elves.
Kailay's realm in Morycia is Norow, a great volcano situated in the middle of a great plain. To the north is a great desert and to the south a region of vast forests. Her worshippers reside in cities situated throughout these areas with her most loyal and favorite worshippers living upon the slopes of the volcano itself or in caves that honeycomb through the mountain.
Duties of the Priesthood
Priestesses must spread fire wherever they go.
This can take on many forms, be they beneficial or harmful. Good
priestesses will use their powers to help people such as building
fires to provide warmth, and evil priestesses will use their powers
to harm people, such as starting a forest fire or setting a building
on fire in a city.
Requirements: AB Standard; AL Any chaotic; WP Dagger, spear, sword; AR Any metal or non-flammable armor; SP Major All, combat, elemental (fire only), healing, sun; SP Minor Charm, divination, protection, weather; PW Bonus non-weapon proficiency fire building; 1) 95% chance of success to make a fire with no penalty for adverse conditions; 3) Fire Finger once per day. The priestess can cause a small 1-inch flame to appear at the top of one of their fingers. This flame causes no damage to the priestess or anyone else but it will ignite anything flammable (treat as if using a candle to light something, so it would not ignite a large log or thick stick but would ignite small, dry tinder or paper). This lasts for 1 round per level; 6) Fire Finger three times a day; 9) Fire Finger at will; 15) Immune to natural fires (as per ring of fire resistance); TU No, but can set them on fire with a successful attempt to turn. This causes 2d6 points of damage the first round and 1d6 points of damage the second round.
Specialty Priests
Wisdom 14
Constitution 14
Granted Powers:
• +2 save to all fire/heat based attacks, -1 to damage
die rolls (minimum of 1 point of damage).
• At 1st level can cast minor produce flame
once per day. This is similar to the spell
produce fire but the flame cannot be thrown and causes no damage.
The amount of flame can be anywhere from two handfuls (treat as a torch
for lighting purposes) to as small as a fire finger. This lasts for
one round per level. This replaces the fire finger ability. A specialty
priest does not get both minor produce flame and fire finger.
• At 3rd level has access to burning hands
spell. This spell must be prayed for and takes up a third level spell
• At 3rd level minor produce flame three times per day.
• At 5th level, minor produce flame at will.
• At 8th level immune to small, non-magical fires such as a
torch or lantern.
• At 12th level immune to natural fires (as per ring of fire
• At 15th level the specialty priestess can immolate herself
once per day. This lasts for up to 1 round per level of the priestess.
While on fire treat the priestess as a very large bonfire in regards
to heat and damage to others. Foes of the priestess viewing her in
this state must save vs. fear (as per the mage 4th level fear spell)
or flee.
Other Notes: Specialty priestesses must help those who seek their help, so long as it is within the alignment of the priestess. Those of good or neutral alignment will be helpful, as will those of evil alignment. But sometimes the evil specialty priestess's help might not exactly be welcome. For example, a bunch of travellers seeking help to build a fire might get a warm fire from a good priestess but might be set on fire by an evil priestess.
The unpredictable nature of the priestesses of Kailay has led many people, even those in need of assistance, to be mistrustful of all worshippers of Kailay. Given the ambivalent to often hostile feelings that people feel towards them specialty priestesses are prone to wander. In some areas, particular wooded regions and/or in areas of drought there may be a ban on priestesses of Kailay and violation of this ban is extremely harsh, including death. Because of this many priestesses will hide the nature of their faith. Kailay does not mind this, so long as her priestesses are actively carrying out the duties of her priesthood.
Those that are encountered away from these two main regions are often adventurers.
LOEM ( LŌ-em)
Earth Father, Stone Heart
Greater Power
God of the Earth
Aspects: Mining, Masons, Engineers, City/Castle builders
Chaotic Good
Natural form: Dark gnome male
Symbol: Gray capstone over a gold pick
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
MIRSTAR ( Mēr-stär)
Natural form:
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
Natural form:
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
SYMEA ( Sī-mā-a;)
Natural form:
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
TIRDIN ( Tēr-din)
Natural form:
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
VARLINA ( var-Lē-nä)
Natural form:
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
MEGANNA ( Tēr-din)
Natural form:
Duties of the Priesthood
Requirements: AB ; AL ; WP ; AR ; SP Major ; SP Minor ; PW ; TU .
Specialty Priests
Granted Powers:
Other Notes:
The Mainen
The Northern Alarin
The Southern Alarin
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