Races of Icengale
Sub-races: The main character races of Icengale come in three main varieties, European, African, and Asian. The percent of these races overall is generally 40, 25, and 25. The other 10% are a mixture of the various races. Any appearance notes listed below are considered to apply only to the European sub-race. These sub-races apply only to Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, and Humans. There are two additional sub-races, Middle Eastern and Mayan. The Middle Eastern sub-race is only found in the great desert on the Northern half of the world and around the Taiyoral Desert on the Southern half of the world. The Mayan sub-race is only found in the Apaec Valley in the Southern half of the world.
0-Level Commoners: The commoners who make up the bulk of the intelligent character races (dwarves, elves, halflings, half-orcs, etc.) are a bit different in the world of Icengale. Those who dwell within large towns, cities and areas generally considered relatively safe areas are treated normally. Those who live on the frontier, however, are treated as 1st level fighters in regards to weapon proficiencies. As commoners age they will usually gain additional weapon proficiencies. For non-weapon proficiencies commoners will generally have a minimum of 1d4+3, but this number goes up with age and experience. For example, a seasoned hunter with several decades of experience might have 8 weapon proficiencies and 16 to 20 non-weapon proficiency slots.
Monster Classes: Most monsters are as they are listed in the various manuals. However, a small number of each race are able to achieve levels as the various character classes. Monsters that are able to advance as characters often have ability scores beyond the norm of their race. For example, a kobold wizard not have the standard average intelligence (8-10) but would more than likely have a minimum of intelligence of 16. These races are not eligible to Players but are intended to be NPCs only. Races listed here are not automatically available as character races but are only listed to point out differences between those native to Icengale and those native to other worlds.
Dragons: Due the nature of the creation of Icengale dragons born of the world are larger than dragons of other worlds. The base size of all dragons is increased by 10%, the hit die modifier of each age category is increased by +2 (thus a hatchling's modifier is -4, that of a very young dragon is -2, a young dragon's modifier is Nil, and so on up until that of a Great Wyrm is +10), and the combat bonus for each age category is increased by +1 for each age category, except for Great Wyrms, which get a +2 modifier (making the total +14). There is also a 13th age category, that of Dire Wyrm. Dire Wyrms are aged 1,400+, have a +12 hit die modifier, a +16 combat modifier, have a fear radius of 100 yards, and a fear saving throw modifier of -6(0). Only white dragons can achieve the status of Dire Wyrms. All other dragons that are 1,400+ years of age are still classified as Great Wyrms.
Additionally, white dragons reign supreme in the world of Icengale. For purposes of statistics treat white dragons as if they were red dragons (with the obvious differences such as coloration, preferred habitat, nature of breath weapon, etc.) and treat red dragons as if they were white dragons. For example, Icengale red dragons have low intelligence (5-7), a base AC of 1, and base physical damage of 1-6/1-6/2-18, while white dragons have exceptional intelligence (15-16), a base AC of -3, and base physical damage of 1-10/1-10/3-30.
Age |
Body Length |
Tail Length |
AC |
Breath Weapon |
Spells Wizard/Priest |
MR |
Treas. Type |
XP Value |
12 | 191-201' | 177-188' | -11 | 24d10+14 | 2 2 2 2 / 2 1 | 65% | H, S, Tx3 | 24,000 |
13 | 202-214' | 189-200' | -12 | 24d10+16 | 3 3 3 2 2 / 3 2 1 | 70% | H, S, Tx4 | 25,000 |
* Body Length and Tail Length
adjusted by +10%. *Breath Weapon adjusted for increased damage. |
White dragons have the ability to survive long periods in areas with low oxygen and can survive for some time in areas that are virtually devoid of oxygen. In the upper reaches of the Vainen Glacier a sleeping/resting dragon can survive indefinitely. If moving at their normal movement rate white dragons can survive for a couple of days, and if fighting they can last for several hours.
About 25% of all dragons are able to achieve class levels, except for white dragons. About 35% of them are able to achieve class levels.
Drow: Among the Drow the insane are considered divinely touched and are treated with great reverence. Drow are five times more likely than other races to suffer some form of insanity.
Dwarves: The dwarves of Icengale come in three common varieties. The most common are the Dark Dwarves, those that dwell in the upper areas of the Dark Regions. They are exceptionally short, with almost all of them falling under the average height of dwarves, and their skin color is a very dark shade of brown. Their hair is coal black, fading to dark gray as the dwarves grow old, and their eyes are generally bright in color.
After the Dark Dwarves are the Cold Dwarves, those common at high altitude or in close proximity to the glacial regions. They are generally taller than average and often have pale brown skin and hair ranging in color from black to medium-brown with 15% having reddish-brown hair and about 5% having blond hair. About 1 in every 1,000 is an albino. Cold Dwarves have are exceptionally hairy and their beards are very bushy and worn long. They often find warmer climates to be exceptionally uncomfortable.
The third race is Sun Dwarves, those common in the warmer regions of the world. They are your typical dwarf, covering the full spectrum of typical dwarf appearances.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Dark Dwarf | 41/39 | 1d8/1d6 | 115/90 | 4d10/4d8 |
Cold Dwarf | 45/43 | 2d4+2/1d6+2 | 145/125 | 4d10/4d8 |
Sun Dwarf | 43/41 | 1d10/1d8 | 130/105 | 4d10/4d8 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Dark Dwarf | 35 | 5d6 | 150 + 3d100 | |
Cold Dwarf | 38 | 5d6 | 225 + 3d100 | |
Sun Dwarf | 40 | 5d6 | 250 + 2d100 |
Elves: The elves of Icengale are exceptionally tall, with the average height of 6' 4" for males. About 20% of the elves in the world are wild and live a nomadic life similar to barbarian tribes. Wild elves are just as adept at magic as their more civilized folk, but they rarely rise higher than 6th or 7th level. Among the wild elves the role of males and females is generally reversed, with the females being the leaders and hunters and the males staying behind in the villages. While pregnant the father of the child will take his wife's place on hunting parties. This is an honored position among the hunt and the male is always given first shot on the first animal. Despite this role reversal both sexes treat each other as equals in all ways. The physical stature of wild elves is also reversed, with the female elves being taller than the males.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Elf | 69/67 | 2d6/2d6 | 100/90 | 3d10/3d8 |
Wild Elf | 67/69 | 2d6/2d6 | 90/100 | 3d8/3d10 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Elf | 100 | 5d8 | 600 + 6d100 | |
Wild Elf | 75 | 5d4 | 400 + 4d100 |
Gnomes: The surface gnomes of Icengale tend to favor the colder climates of the world. Gnome tailors are exceptionally skilled at making winter clothes and they are often sought out by members of other races to craft clothes for them. Dark gnomes, those who dwell beneath the surface of Icengale, are the best miners in the world, their skill surpassing that even of the dwarves. Dark gnomes are nearly identical to their surface cousins, though they are slightly shorter and tend to be a little bit paler in complexion.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Gnome | 38/36 | 1d6/1d6 | 72/68 | 5d4/5d4 |
Dark Gnome | 33/34 | 1d6/1d6 | 68/64 | 4d4/4d4 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Gnome | 60 | 3d12 | 200 + 3d100 | |
Dark Gnome | 50 | 3d20 | 100 + 4d100 |
Half-elves: The half-elves of Icengale come in two varieties, those who are offspring of standard elves and those who are offspring of wild elves. The only difference between the two is one of height, weight, and age. Wild half-elves are uncommon, making up only about 20% of all half-elves. Additionally, wild half-elves are often (75% of the time) not accepted by the tribe and, along with their parent(s), are considered outcasts.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Half-elf | 65/63 | 2d6/2d6 | 120/110 | 3d12/3d10 |
Wild Half-elf | 63/65 | 2d6/2d6 | 110/120 | 3d10/3d12 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Half-elf | 20 | 3d10 | 225 + 5d20 | |
Wild Half-elf | 15 | 3d10 | 200 + 5d20 |
Halflings: Of all the races the Halflings fared the worst during the Divine Rebellion and the altering of the world, with most of the Little Folk dying off. Today they are a very rare race who often prefers to live apart from other races. Those who did survive were the hardiest of their folk and as such all level 0 or level 1 halflings have 1d4+6 hit points. Those that progress beyond 1st level use the regular hit dice of their appropriate class. For example, a 1st level halfling thief would get 1d4+6 hit points at first level but at second level would get 1d6 hit points. Halfling characters have a choice between +1 to their dexterity or +1 to their constitution.
Because of their small size and small numbers halflings have had to fight hard just to survive. All halflings receive a +1 bonus to hit with all weapons (in addition to regular racial bonuses). Due to their often solitary and isolationist lifestyle all halflings suffer severe anxiety within any town larger than 1,000 people. After one day the halfling must make a wisdom check in order to stay within the city, with a cumulative -1 penalty each day. In cities of 10,000 or larger this penalty is -2 per day. In any city larger than 50,000 this check must be made every hour at a -1 cumulative penalty. Cities larger than 100,000 incur a -2 cumulative penalty per hour. The one exception to this is any village or town that is more than 50% halfling. Typical halfling towns rarely exceed 2,000 in number and only a few number more than 5,000 halflings.
While halflings still maintain their generally joyous outlook on life, that joy has been somewhat diminished by the many hardships the race has endured. Brightly colored clothes are shunned in favor of those that blend in with the natural surroundings. During festivals halflings will wear bright colors, but these tend to me in the form of items that can be easily removed, such as ribbons, flowers, and cloaks. In the case of clothing it is usually reversible with a more natural color on the reverse side. Vigilance has kept the halflings alive and is an ever present part of their life. No halfling will ever completely let down his guard, especially when amongst other races. When any number of halflings are gathered together at least 10% of them will be posted as guards, and at outdoor gathers it is often common to find upwards of 25% of the halflings on guard watching out for dangers.
There is only one sub-species of halflings, it being a mixing of the three classic sub-races of Hairfeets, Tallfellows, and Stouts. Any halfling character has a 25% chance of having standard infravision (out to 60'); failing that there is a 50% chance that the character has limited infravision (out to 30'). All halflings characters have a 25% chance to note if a passage is sloped and can determine direction half the time. All halflings characters have a 25% chance to note if a passage is sloped and can determine direction half the time. Halflings are masters at hiding, so much so that any halfling that is stationary out of doors is 75% likely to not be seen. If they are wearing clothing that blends in this chance increases to 95%. These numbers are halved in the halfling is moving over ¼ of his movement rate with a -25% penalty if the halfling is moving less than ¼ his movement rate.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Halflings | 32/30 | 2d6+4/2d6+4 | 52/48 | 6d4/6d4 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Halflings | 20 | 2d6 | 100 + 2d100 |
Half-orcs: During the Divine Aftermath there was much mingling between orcs and humans in some areas, and as such there are some areas of the world where there are stable, self-sustaining populations of half-orcs. Within these areas there are also quarter-orcs, be they ¼ orc or ¼ human. Quarter-orcs have the option of being visually treated as a full blood of the appropriately close race (a ¼ orc can look like a pure blood human and a ¼ human can look like a pure blood orc). This does not affect any of their racial abilities and ¼ orcs still receive the racial penalty for charisma. Half-orcs and orcs in general are referred to as the Borine (singular: Boran).
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Half-Orc | 60/58 | 1d12/1d12 | 135/95 | 6d10/6d10 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Half-orc | 12 | 1d4 | 60 + 1d20 |
Lizard-folk, a.k.a. The Sarai: Once masters of the entire world and most civilized of all races the Sarai have fallen far in the millennia since the Divine Uprising. At present there are three races of lizard-folk. The most common are your typical tribal lizard-folk, usually living apart from other races in their own communities. They are hunter-gatherers and tend to live in huts that can be easily taken down and transported. These tribal Sarai still retain some of the civilization from when they rule the world and as such all Sarai can read and write and as a race they are skilled in metal craft.
After the tribal-Sarai are the Old Ones. These Sarai have managed to maintain their civilization over the years. Their cities are wonders to behold and their libraries are store-houses of information, much of which is still unknown to many of the other humanoid races. Their libraries are their prized possessions and they guard them fiercely. The cost for non-Sarai to visit a library tends to be astronomically high. Physically there is no difference between the tribal-Sarai and the Old Ones. The difference is a cultural one.
The final off shoot are the Vriss. The Vriss are vastly different from the rest of the Sarai in the world. For starters they are black where their cousins are green to green-brown in color. The scales of the Vriss are exceptionally small and from more than 20 feet away it is hard to tell whether or not they are lizard-folk. If wearing bulky clothes this distance is reduced to 5 feet or less. For another the Vriss are a very small minority, hailing from the Mrax Destert where they blend in with the black sand. The Vriss are also devoid of tails. Exceptionally skilled in magic, Vriss characters receive +1 to their Intelligence score and receive a -1 adjustment to their Constitution and Dexterity scores. All Vriss mages are able to cast one additional 1st and 2nd level spell and all Vriss know 1d4 cantrips. These are generally useful cantrips and all spell casting restrictions still apply (i.e. a Vriss fighter could not cast any cantrips while wearing armor). Vriss are capable of "swimming" through loose sand at a rate of 3" and under sand Vriss can "breath" for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution. This "breathing" is actually the ability to hold their breath and to draw some scant amount of oxygen from among the sand. At the end of this time they suffer the effects of drowning.
The Vriss are seen as mutations by other Sarai and the best reaction that they can generally hope to receive is one of tolerance. Many Vriss are met with outright hatred by their Sarai brethren, and sometimes are met with violence ranging from the throwing of harmless objects up outright murder. Vriss clerics are considered abominations by regular Sarai.
With the exception of the Vriss the Sarai tend to shun magic. Sarai mages are not unheard of, but those that gain too much power (higher than 4th level) generally no longer feel welcome within Sarai communities. They find themselves shunned on a regular basis and often feel the need to leave their Sarai brethren and live among the lesser races. Those who do not leave find life to be more and more difficult to the point that they are often the victims of mobs who either forcefully evict them or kill them outright. Given how violent these attacks can be, especially if the mages defend themselves, many Sarai communities have laws preventing mages with certain skills from being allowed to live there. Mages of other races are treated with mistrust by Sarai.
All races of the Sarai practice slavery. They prefer non-Sarai slaves, but most Sarai communities use slavery as a punishment for criminals. The Sarai hold all races in contempt, but they view Sarai slaves as being beneath those of other races, so much so that more than a few Sarai who are sentenced to slavery prefer to kill themselves. The one exception is that of gladiators. Gladiatorial games are incredibly popular among the Sarai and amongst gladiators slavery is not a stigma. It is not uncommon for young Sarai to sell themselves into slavery to Stable Masters so as to learn the Art of the Arena. These Sarai still have to buy their freedom if the wish to no longer be slaves, but they are treated better than non-Sarai slaves, and those that are champions are treated as heroes and the status of slave is often just a word.
All Sarai, regardless of offshoot, worship Sarantha. The worship of any other Deity is one of the most offensive acts that a Sarai can commit. In most Sarai communities it is a crime punishable by banishment for a Sarai to worship another God or Goddess. Those who are guilty of this crime are seldom brought to trial, however, as they are usually murdered by their fellow Sarai. This "punishment" by peers is also very common in areas where it is not illegal for a Sarai to worship another Deity. Without exception Sarai priests and priestesses who do not worship Sarantha are put to death.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Tribal Sarai | 60/60 | 2d12/2d12 | 170/170 | 3d10/3d10 |
Old Ones | 60/58 | 2d10/2d10 | 170/170 | 3d8/3d6 |
Vriss | 60/54 | 2d8/2d8 | 170/150 | 3d10/3d8 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Tribal Sarai | 15 | 1d4 | 110 + 3d20 | |
Old Ones | 20 | 1d8 | 125 + 1d100 | |
Vriss | 20 | 3d4 | 150 + 5d20 |
Minotaurs: The Minotaurs of Icengale are exceptionally intelligent (15-16) and of all the monster races they are the most likely to have character class levels. A large number of those are fighters or mages, many of whom earn a living fighting as gladiators. Icengale Minotaurs are also a matriarchal society, with females generally being the same size or slightly bigger than males. Female minotaurs are also a lot fiercer than their male counterparts. In fact, some gladiators refuse to fight against female minotaurs and some arenas even go so far as to bar them from competing. Female minotaur verus female minotaur fights are guaranteed to draw the largest crowds and pay out the biggest purses.
Height in Inches | Weight in Pounds | |||
Race | Base * | Modifier * | Base * | Modifier * |
Minotaur | 83/84 | 1d12/3d4 | 450/450 | 6d10/5d10+10 |
* Base numbers are for Males/Females | ||||
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Minotaur | 6 | 3d4+6 | 150 + 1d100 |
Starting Age | Maximum Age Range | |||
Race | Base Age | Variable | (Base + Variable) | |
Dwarf, dark | 35 | 5d6 | 150 + 3d100 | |
Dwarf, cold | 38 | 5d6 | 225 + 3d100 | |
Dwarf, sun | 40 | 5d6 | 250 + 2d100 | |
Elf, standard | 100 | 5d8 | 600 + 6d100 | |
Elf, wild | 75 | 5d4 | 400 + 4d100 | |
Gnome, standard | 60 | 3d12 | 200 + 3d100 | |
Gnome, dark | 50 | 3d20 | 100 + 4d100 | |
Half-elf | 20 | 3d10 | 125 + 5d20 | |
Half-elf, wild | 15 | 3d10 | 100 + 5d20 | |
Halfling | 20 | 2d6 | 100 + 2d100 | |
Halfl-ord | 12 | 1d4 | 60 + 1d20 | |
Human | 15 | 1d4 | 80 + 2d12 | |
Sarai, tribal | 15 | 1d4 | 110 + 3d20 | |
Sarai, old ones | 20 | 1d8 | 125 + 1d100 | |
Sarai, Vriss | 20 | 3d4 | 150 + 5d20 | |
* The world of Icengale is a work in progress. Please check back for possible updates. *