Engineering Clay


XP: 1,500 per container

This clay is a favorite item for priests of Gond, and because of this it is usually found in some sort of container adorned with symbols of Gond. Engineering clay is usually found in small jars with lids that are sealed with wax. Inside can be found a small 3” diameter ball of clay, immersed in water. The clay must be kept moist while in storage. If it dries out it will be useless. When used, though, this clay is truly a marvel to behold.

To use the clay, the user simply takes out as much as he needs and applies it to a particular surface. A second item of the same material is applied to the clay, and when the command word is spoken, the clay transforms into the same material it is touching and fuses the two pieces together. This transformation takes one full round, during which time the item cannot be jostled or moved roughly. There are no seams or lines as the two items are now in fact one item. Of course, detection is possible if the items were not put together well. Nothing short of alter reality or a wish can destroy this glue. Traditionally, this clay is used to repair items such as broken weapons or tools, and works on just about any nonliving material, from wood to stone to metal to bone. Only two items of the same material can be put together. This will fuse granite to marble, birch to maple, etc. Ability checks may be required when making repairs. For example, a character might have to make a weaponsmithing, or carpentry, or engineering check to piece together a broken sword. Any of these skills can be used as they all involve building, repairing, and/or fixing skills of some sort. If allowed to dry naturally after being used in a repair, it will act as if the command word was spoken, though any disturbance during this time can mar the repair process. Setting time in this manner takes 3d8+6 rounds for a full container.

A particular side effect of the clay has been discovered in recent years. If the clay is placed on a surface and the command word spoken backward, the clay will glow red for 2 rounds. At the end of the second round it will explode, causing 3d6+3 points of damage to all within 10’, and half that amount to all from 10’-15’. Four full containers can be combined to cause 1 structural point of damage. For every container in addition to the first, the blast radius is increased by 25%.

So long as the command word can be “heard” by the clay, it will activate either usage. The clay will not work at all if immersed in water. Anyone with the engineering proficiency can make a successful ability check to determine what this item is, though it won’t help them to discover the command word. This item is usually found in groups of 1d4 containers.


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